Jumat, 20 April 2012
Jumat, 13 April 2012
my project
First of all we pray worship & praise & thanks for the blessings of grace without the grace of GOD SWT.karena & ridhoNYA, we can not complete the paper well and finish on time. Do not forget we also thank Drs.Munasim pengampu citizenship as a lecturer who guided us in the execution of tasks ini.Kami papers also say to our friends who are always loyal to assist us in collecting data in this paper manufacture.
In this paper we describe the individual and society. Perhaps in making this paper contained an error which we do not we ask ketahui.Maka of feedback from friends and dosen.Demi achieving a perfect paper.
Padalarang, 13April 2012
1.1 Background
Fulfill the task given Bp.Munasim citizenship papers.
Indiviu is a typical human. He has the ability and needs are different from each other. To develop skills and meet his needs, he can not stand alone, he needs someone else. That's why he lives in groups to form the community.
a. Knowing about the role of individuals in society.
b. Understanding people's lives.
c. Understanding of socio-cultural institutions that exist in society.
d. Understanding the importance of Pancasila as the reference values, morals and norms for the nation of Indonesia.
e. Understanding the culture of social structure.
f. Knowing about the social culture.
a. Describe the role of the community for individuals.
b. Explain the role and status of individuals in society.
c. Comparing social differences and national stratification.
d. Comparing the values, morals and norms.
e. Describes the functions in the nation Pancasila Indonesia
f. Explain the social and cultural.
Title Page ................................................................................... 1
Foreword ...................................................................................2
Table of Contents ......................................................................4
2.1 Individuals
2.1.1 People as Individuals .................................................... 5 survival instinct ................... The instinct to maintain continuity of living descendants of ........................................................................... 7 The instinct of curiosity and to find satisfaction ........................ 8
2.1.2 Humans as social creatures ............................................. 8
2.2 Community
2.2.1 Definition of Community ...................................................... 8
2.2.2 Status and role of individuals in the Community ............................. 9
2.3 Pancasila as the reference values, morals, norms and laws in Indonesian society .......................................................................... 11
2.4 Functions for life and the Pancasila Indonesia
2.4.1 Pancasila as a guide attitudes and behavior of individuals ....... 13
2.4.2 Pancasila as the community guidelines ............................. 13
2.4.3 Pancasila as state guidelines ................................... 14
Chapter III CONCLUSION ...................................................................... 15
List of References ................................................................................. 16
Title Page ................................................................................... 1
Foreword ...................................................................................2
Table of Contents ......................................................................4
2.1 Individuals
2.1.1 People as Individuals .................................................... 5 survival instinct ................... The instinct to maintain continuity of living descendants of ........................................................................... 7 The instinct of curiosity and to find satisfaction ........................ 8
2.1.2 Humans as social creatures ............................................. 8
2.2 Community
2.2.1 Definition of Community ...................................................... 8
2.2.2 Status and role of individuals in the Community ............................. 9
2.3 Pancasila as the reference values, morals, norms and laws in Indonesian society .......................................................................... 11
2.4 Functions for life and the Pancasila Indonesia
2.4.1 Pancasila as a guide attitudes and behavior of individuals ....... 13
2.4.2 Pancasila as the community guidelines ............................. 13
2.4.3 Pancasila as state guidelines ................................... 14
Chapter III CONCLUSION ...................................................................... 15
List of References ................................................................................. 16
2.1.1 People as Individuals
The individual is a person / a person as a whole. Whole is defined as a trait that can not afford to be divided. Is a unity between the physical and spiritual inherent in a person.
Every individual has a different hallmark of other individuals, such as physical form, intelligence, talents, desires, feelings and have a level of understanding / meaning of an object. So individual is the internal condition of a man who serves as the subject. Human instincts as the individual has three, namely:
a. Unyuk survival instinct.
b. The instinct to preserve the continuation of a living descendant.
c. The instinct of curiosity and to find satisfaction. maintaining the survival instinct
Survival instinct has led to a variety of needs. One of the most basic needs are physiological needs of food, drink and shelter. All of these requirements come from environments where people live, and in this environment requires use of technology. Technology can be defined as a human being employed cara-cara/alat to make ends meet. So the technology does not only include modern equipment / machine. Fatherly arrow hunting, farming and equipment moving / Another simple way to include the technology. Human needs are very diverse dn needs is more easily met if individuals live in groups with other individuals. The instinct to preserve the continuation of living offspring
The instinct to preserve offspring, demanding the need for security (safety need) better than the uncomfortable weather disturbances, wildlife / human. Clothing made from various types of materials and models adapted to the weather conditions. Housing with a variety of materials and forms, is essentially an attempt to gain a sense of security from a variety of disorders. The diversity of materials used and the model is highly dependent on the environment. As generally makes a home in the tropics are made of wood / bamboo roof model with triangles / cones and often do not directly touch the ground beneath it, but bertonggak / berkolong. In temperate climates many houses built of brick / ground, flat roof / flat, while in the colder regions of the Eskimos make home ice with its muddy course. It all depends on the weather and raw materials which exist in the environment.
Marriage other than to meet human biological needs, is also a reflection of the dependence of individuals to other individuals and the instinct to continue the descent. The instinct of curiosity and to find satisfaction
Every human being has the instinct to want to know about something around him, whether it's natural environment and other human environments. The difference in nature such as land, hills, mountains, plants and animals spread of differences; human physical differences like some black, white, tan, tall, short, and so forth; cultural differences in the ways people like to eat some food disposable hand , spoon, spoon fork and knife; differences in dress, livelihoods, homes and so on form. All this has encouraged people to find out. The question "what, why, how and who" has given rise to systems of knowledge, and who were prepared to systematically through certain rules that gave birth to science. This science is essentially to meet the needs of spiritual / human mind. While the application of science in the form caradan tools to meet the needs of human life is called technology. So technology is a variety of ways / tools to meet the material needs of man. Both can not be separated to support and meet human needs both as individuals and communities. Science and technology which the individual is not wholly owned by the preacher's own experience, but more than studying and imitating others. Therefore, in fulfilling the instinct of curiosity and seek kepuasanpun can not be separated from the life of the group.
2.1.2 Human beings as social
Human beings are not able to immediately adjust to the environment. In the infancy of human entirely dependent on another individual. He learned to walk, learn to eat, learn to get dressed, learning to read, learn to make something and so on, need the help of someone more mature.
Malinowski (1949), one of the leaders of the Polish Anthropological science states that the dependence of individuals against other individuals in the group can be seen from the human efforts in meeting the needs of biological and social needs conducted through the mediation of culture.
Sense of security is specifically dependent on the system of protection in the home, clothing and equipment. Protection in general, in the sense of disorder / other groups will be more easily achieved if human groups. To generate safety and comfort of living in groups, was created the rules and social controls on what can and can not be done by each group member. In addition it is also determined who is entitled to regulate the lives of a group to achieve common goals.
2.2 Community
2.2.1 Definition of Community
Society, in English called society means a group of men living together, salinh related and influence, each bonded to one another so that gave birth to the same culture. Definition of a group of people here, do not have clear boundaries must be some people, but there were at least 2 people. Anderson and Parker (Astrid Susanto, 1977) states in detail that the public is:
a) The number of people,
b) Live preformance of a particular area,
c) Establish a relationship with one another,
d) Mutual bonded to each other because they have common interests,
e) It is a unity that they have the feeling of solidarity,
f) The existence of mutual dependence,
g) The community is a system which is governed by certain norma-norma/aturan-aturan, and
h) Generate culture.
According Soejono Soekamto (1987) some features of urban society that stands out is:
a) The life of religion is less because of who caused the rational way of thinking, which Based on the on the exact calculations;
b) to take care of themselves without the help of others;
c) The division of labor is more assertive and have a real boundary-bats;
d) Many have employment opportunities than rural people;
e) Roads lead rational minds which social interaction is based on interests rather than personal factors;
f) The path of life which quickly resulted in the importance of time factor;
g) Changes in apparent social and rapidly as a result of opening up to outside influences;
2.2.2 Status and Role of Individuals in Society
Each individual dalammasyarakat have a role (role) and position (status) are different. Role is a pattern of behavior expected of someone who has a position (status) specific. Sedngkan position (status) is the position of someone in the group. Given that each individual has different interests, each individual has diverse interests, each individual can status and role in several groups according to their interests.
Each individual should behave or act in accordance with his position so he can be accepted and acknowledged its existence. Because each organization has its own rules, the sanctions provided by each organization to members who violate any differently. These sanctions aimed menjjaga wholeness, balance, stability of the group so that group goals can be achieved.
In everyday life, everyone has different roles and tasks. The task of a different doctor with a teacher, farmer, driver or army / police. But each need each other, work together to measure in the common goal of fulfilling the needs and welfare mencapi. Thus a very important role and position of fatherly maintaining social balance and integrity. Position or status in society there are two kinds:
a) ascribed status, the position obtained without struggle or effort alone. Usually acquired by birth, like the child who holds raden, his son titled raden automatically. A child becomes king because his father adalh king. A child who comes from the caste even though he has high intelligence and skill. This state is often called a closed status, because the order to each person can not be a member for free. Marriage is usually the way to go to the preformance of this status.
b) Achieved status, the position gained through their own effort or struggle. A person becomes a director of a company because he was diligent and tenacious. Status of a person to become a teacher because he managed to come in and learn well in the Teachers' Training College. This status is open means that anyone can achieve it or reach it because of the ability of each individual in beprestasi.
Each has a set of status and status symbol or emblem which may reflect its status. As people of high economic status is reflected in the shape and extent of the home, a teacher and the attitude reflected in her clothing, an army / police of valor, and his clothes, one of the patrician class would appear from the speech and manners. Many symbols that can reflect a person's status or position in society. Thus the status can be caused by its position in the work, property ownership, religion and biological factors such as gender.
2.3 Pancasila as the Reference Value, Moral, and Legal Norms in Indonesia Society
We have already seen that the Pancasila is the basis of RI state that was set on August 18 1945.Berarti Inddonesia good order of human life as individuals, as members of the community and the people of the country, must refer to values, norms, rules contained in Pancasila.
Implies value as something useful or valuable. The value can be either objects or material, and can also be non-material that is an idea, an idea or thought. Value of the object or material is typically measured from (1) the value or benefits to which their role, and (2) the exchange rate. The higher the usefulness of a good human life, the more valuable goods. Such as hoes for farmers, a book for students counting machines for bank employees and so on. Utility value of an item is dependent on the role and status of individuals in society. In addition sesutau item can be measured from the high exchange rate. One gram of gold can be exchanged with a few tens of kilograms of rice or cassava.
Non-material values can be either the value of spirituality, such as the value of beauty, goodness values, religious values and so on. Because it is abstract then the spiritual values can only be measured by the human character that was born from the mind, feelings, beliefs and human kehenak.
Humans are always looking for something of value, this value into the drive and the foundation of UUK behave. Ideal values of the faith as it is considered the most precious, most beautiful, kindest, most properly be a reference or guideline in the act. Value that is not valuable, not really, not good, not wonderful because it would harm should dihindarkn individuals, both as a member of the community and as servants of God.
Pancasila is the basis of human behavior because the value contained in Pancasila filled with religious values, values of truth, virtue, moral values and the beauty of living in a society. Values contained in Pancasila human nature as God's creatures, as a private individual, the individual as a member of the community and the State. It contains the harmony, the harmony and balance between the living world and the hereafter, between material and spiritual aspects, between the physical and spiritual. Because it is ideal if Pancasila became demands, guidelines and handle each individual in attitude and behavior so as to create security in living in a society and state.
Moral comes from the word mores, which means code of conduct. Procedure means the rules and guidelines of conduct. What actions should and should not be done. The teachings of the good deeds and bad, right and wrong. Moral ethics is often referred to as giving a clear limits to individuals as members of society so that berperilakunya accordance with applicable rules. So that he can be accepted and recognized as members of society. Moral has the function of maintaining solidarity among members of the community.
Norms or rules are rules of behavior that should and should not be done with sanctions or the threat when the norm is not done. In human life there is a set of rules of behavior that should and should not be done by its adherents. For those who follow the norms of religion will get the reward, for that would not otherwise get the religious sanction in accordance with the level of irregularities committed against the norm. There are legal norms such as stealing is forbidden, if carried out will be sanctioned by the prison. There are norms of indigenous communities, for example when talking to parents should not be rude, be polite, otherwise it will get a censure or reprimand sanctions. Each individual must adhere to the norms prevailing in the society, in order to create balance, safety and comfort.
Values, morals and values are relative and subjective, that vary according to time, place and community. For example, is dressed all human needs wherever he lived, but the so-called beauty in a dress worth between one people living in a place different from other people who live elsewhere.
Values, morals and norms embodied in the Pancasila can bridge time and place of each ethnic differences, because the values, morals and norms are rooted in Pancasila Indonesia Nations culture that has existed since thousands of years ago until now. Since Indonesia is the first community of religious communities (religious), believe in the existence of God, is mutual help, mutual help, uphold the unity and integrity, truth and keadilan.Pancasila dared to produce a distinctive personality Indonesia that can be distinguished from any nation in the world. Pancasila provide direction and guidance to each person to behave in accordance with national identity.
2.4 Functions for Life Nation Pancasila Indonesia
2.4.1 Pancasila as the attitude and behavior of each individual
Given the individual is a member of the community and state, then the welfare, integrity and security of society and the state starts from the attitude and behavior of individuals. If the ethics and norms understood, respected and implemented by each individual the purpose of living in a society and state can easily be achieved. The quality of the community and the state, determined also by the quality of the individual, the better the quality the better individual quality of community and country. Each individual has strengths and limitations, have different expectations and circumstances, but certainly well-being is the goal of every individual. Pancasila provide direction and guidance of well-being of the ideal that every human being wants to align the well-being between hope and reality, including inner and outer, between the physical and spiritual, between this world and hereafter.
2.4.2 Guidelines Pancasila as a society
Pancasila is essential to understand the nature and humans as social beings who always need other people in your life and its development. In the second sila-5 and to explain in detail about the social ethics of equality, respect, balancing rights and duties, uphold human values, work together, share work, loved to perform noble deeds based family of mutual help, fair and respect for others, helpful, both to realize development equitable and fair.
2.4.3 Guidelines Pancasila as the state
State is an instrument that regulates or controls the common issues on behalf of the community. The State has the authority to set bermasyarkat relationship for the achievement of common goals. The authority is not the state at will, arbitrarily or for specific groups, but is controlled by the Pancasila as the source of law. Pancasila Indonesia is a country that is a priority country preformance deliberation a decision, always have good intentions and natural sense of responsibility and decision-making task, use common sense and conscience of the sublime, the decisions taken are morally accountable to God Almighty, uphold human dignity and the values of truth, putting unity, unity, safety interests of the nation above personal or group interests. Protect the whole nation and homeland Indonesia, demipersatuan and promote social cohesion of the nation.
Pancasila became the basis of state life, a spirit of nationhood in order to achieve common prosperity, the source of all sources of law in Indonesia, to guide behavior of all elements of the state apparatus in carrying the load, duties and responsibilities.
Individual is a union between mind and body intact. Every individual has the characteristics and needs of the individual. In fulfilling these needs, individuals require an individual order to each other. Karen aitulah selelu live in groups of individuals forming the community.
Communities are a number of people who live dala an area of interconnected and bonded to each other so that mmiliki sense of solidarity and produce culture.
Each individual in the community have different roles and positions. Each individual is expected to act according to his capacity to create order, comfort, stability of community life, which is ultimately a common goal can be achieved.
In every society obtaining adla values, morals and norms are adhered to and obeyed. For the nation of Indonesia, Pancasila is the source niali, and is a source of moral norms that should be a guideline for every individual in the act, behave in society and state. Pancasila contain the divinity, humanity, truth, goodness and beauty of living in a society. Pancasila demanding and directing the life of every resident of Indonesia to have a balance, harmony, harmonious relations between individuals with the Almighty God as a creator, an individual with the individual and the individual with society.
A. Sumaatmadja, Nursid, et al (2007). Basic Concepts of IPS. London: Open University Penebit.
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